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I love making comics. Before my knowledge of comics was expanded, I used to think they were just about superheroes or something funny (both topics that I love, but that I'm not always good at writing). But once I realized that the definition of comics was broader than that, a whole new world opened up to me. Comics can be short, long, full of dialogue, completely wordless, colored, black and white... There is no one formula for making a good comic, and I've learned that I just have to have fun experimenting! 


Here are some of my comics below! Click on the right arrow to read each one all the way through (or click on an image to enlarge, and then read).

Another Shore

Fishers of Men

Boul Jon

Leverage Comic 

This is a comic I did as a graduation gift, using the characters from the TV show Leverage 

(for this comic, double click on the image and it will bring you to a slide show. You will be able to view the whole comic from there.)

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